ViÂsual StuÂdio â�� ExÂtenÂsionsâ�¦ â�� Gallery â�� VerÂsion ConÂtrol â�� Team FounÂdaÂtion ConÂtrol for TFS and VSTS â�� InÂstallâ�¦.Prior to get the latÂest verÂsion you must inÂstall the exÂtenÂsion, conÂnect to VSTS and creÂate a worksÂpace: It is very conÂveÂnient to have verÂsion conÂtrol emÂbedÂded into IDE and donâ��t need to launch sepÂarate app which isnâ��t inÂdeed very proÂducÂtive. TFVS in ViÂsual StuÂdio for Mac is still in preÂview but it alÂready can reÂplace Team ExÂplorer EvÂeryÂwhere for Eclipse or TFS exÂtenÂsion for Visual StuÂdio Code. ViÂsual StuÂdio Team SerÂvices are also price friendly beÂcause GitHub wants deÂvelÂopÂers charge for priÂvate reposÂiÂtoÂries. ViÂsual StuÂdio supÂports Git since 2014 so abÂsoÂlute maÂjorÂity of projects are conÂtrolled unÂder TFVC. It ilÂlogÂiÂcally supÂported Git inÂstead of TFVC.
MiÂcrosoft anÂnounced the reÂlease of ViÂsual StuÂdio for Mac one year ago.